Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Free algebra worksheets

Usually algebra textbooks provide lots of problems to practice the algebraic concepts and techniques, but some of you may still benefit from resources for free (or mostly so) printable algebra worksheets. Please see the list below, which I've originally compiled for my HomeschoolMath.net site.

Algebra worksheets

Worksheet Builder
Great and free worksheet maker software with nearly 7,000 built-in algebra and geometry questions.

Free Algebra Worksheets from KUTA Software
Free worksheets (PDF) for equations, exponents, inequalities, polynomials, radical & rational expressions and more.

AlgebraHelp.com worksheets
Interactive worksheets that are checked online for most algebra 1 topics.

Math.Com algebra worksheets generator
Generate worksheets for: linear equations, systems of equations, and quadratic equations.

LessonCorner worksheets
These free worksheets include a few topics such as calculations with polynomials, factoring, and graphing lines.

Algebra Fun Sheets
Worksheets that integrate algebra skills with fun activities including sudoku, word finds, riddles, color patterns, crosswords, games, matching cards, etc. A subscription is required.

About.com Algebra Worksheets
An assorted collection of free algebra worksheets and answers. These pages are not very well organized, but they have lots of worksheets.

Algebra Worksheets from MathWorksheetCenter
Lots of worksheets for over 100 algebra topics. A few are free; most are accessible only by one-year a subscription.

A few fun algebra worksheets
These are for graphing linear equations and linear inequalities.

Online Math Work
Free multiple-choice worksheets for pre-algebra and algebra 1 topics. You can do them online, or copy to a word processor to print.

Lastly... my own algebra worksheet collections, which aren't free but there are many free samples:

Algebra 1-A worksheets cover Algebra 1-B worksheets cover Math Mammoth Algebra 1 Worksheets Collection
A two-part collection (A and B) of 137 quality algebra worksheets covering all the topics in a typical algebra 1 curriculum. These worksheets are hand-crafted and contain lots of word problems and other variable problems. Free samples available. $11.50.

Summer Math Program

algebra 1 help free

Reading, writing and chewing gum

From the NY Post:

When does 2 + 2 = 5?

When you're taking the state math test.

Despite promises that the exams -- which determine whether students advance to the next grade -- would not be dumbed down this year, students got "partial credit" for wrong answers after failing to correctly add, subtract, multiply and divide. Some got credit for no answer at all.

"They were giving credit for blatantly ! wrong things," said an outraged Brooklyn teacher who was among those hired to score the fourth-grade test.

State education officials had vowed to "strengthen" and "increase the rigor" of both the questions and the scoring when about 1.2 million kids in grades 3 to 8 -- including 450,000 in New York City -- took English exams in April and math exams last month.

But scoring guides obtained by The Post reveal that kids get half-credit or more for showing fragments of work related to the problem -- even if they screw up the calculations or leave the answer blank.

Scorers joked about giving points to kids who wrote their names, brought a pencil or shared gum.

10th grade math formula chart

Numbers do not “count” much in reality ‘n Budo

I was never talented in mathematics. In fact I am not good with the numbers. So whatever follows is subjective.. as always. It’s true though that somehow I feel better to sense than to count. I mean it works to me when I sense a situation than to put down and count the positive and the negative aspects.

As some Japanese masters say.. “so much thinking, that you block your own self”.

What about reality? Do the maths really count in real life or they matter only in scientific research? I remember one paediatrician wh! om I was asking how much adrenaline I should inject if a child of x weight and y age comes under allergic shock. His answer was “Are you going to calculate while the child is dying? At that moment you don’t need a number. You need enough adrenaline. So just shoot, until you bring him back!” Can life be measured, weighed, estimated, calculated or anything else which contains numbers? I know that in science numbers rule, but in life, I think that they just assist.

By the way, how much money, cars, mobile phones, clothes etc are defining who we are? Who we really are?

I think that the history of mathematics, at least in a first scientific way, started in ancient Mesopotamia. Then ancient Greeks used them with a philosophical way also. Egypt and Roman empire didn’t go further than just calculating and measuring. So the numbers became the spinal cord of all sciences and without numbers we cannot study or search anything in any kind o! f scientific field. So numbers and mathematics are about provi! ng. Ther e is no science without research and proving.

From one moment and then, human history is ruled by science. We are trying to prove everything in scientific terms. Everything... “Prove me that you love me. Prove me that God Exists etc”. Many times, truth is out there ‘n we just need to sense it, but no, we need proofs. So most of us cease to try to perceive and we are waiting somebody else or we are trying on our own to prove something in order to accept it. It seems that we have forgotten how to believe. It seems that we don’t trust our selves anymore, meaning that we don’t give much attention to what our inner world “tells” us.

Sometimes we think in a mathematical way. Our thoughts are becoming a mathematical activity. We call it logic. We put thoughts one next to the other and finally we conclude. In the mid time we don’t perceive and we are just calculating who loves us, who cares about us, whom we reall! y love etc. In fact we are trying to calculate spirituality, forgetting that in life there are things that are not composed of material and so they cannot be calculated. The result is that we count wrongly the reality and the numbers are betraying us. Then we are trying to find out what did we calculate wrong. Well, maybe the mistake was from the beginning the action of calculation itself.

Logic counts like this: “We become husband or wife of somebody beautiful, successful and rich. We have money and social status, but we are not happy. Why? Because we don’t have love.” In a real calculation, we cannot count love, because love is not material and it cannot be counted. In other words, some things in life cannot be predicted or counted from before. “Then we are starting to cheat our husband/wife with someone who we really love. And then.. we are in a great mesh and we ask our self, our friends or our God why?”. The problem was not that! we didn’t count something well. The problem is that we ! counted and we didn’t “feel”.

Can “1” be equal and maybe more than infinity? Think of your child, your lover, your mother. Can it be that “1” is equal or more than 4? In science no way, but what about real life? Can you think that in life it can be proven? No? No way? Think of randori (multiple attackers). Martial arts rooted many ages ago and they have been created for real life. So we may explain the techniques according to physic, but do you think that these techniques were created because of it? Do you think that the Shaolin monks or the Japanese samurai were aware of physic and calculations? And if they were, did they care so much to put their own life or honour on the numbers? What about these 300 of Greek Spartans against the thousands of Persians? They didn’t know Maths? They were crazy? Or numbers couldn’t count the value of their own cause?

I believe that those people were just meditating, traini! ng, surviving or dying. In other words, the were seeking deep inside themselves- spiritually and physically- and based on this total self-knowledge, they were following the nature and life. Physics is just the part of nature that humanity has understood plus speculate, and I say speculate ‘cos some theories are failing during time.

The most obvious example is Ki and Chi. Many theories have been developed the recent years concerning them. Inevitably, these theories end up in psychology and in psychiatry or religion. Well this is not entirely true since many great psychotherapists have used the theories of Ki or Chi masters. It’s my thesis, that trying to explain first in order to understand and then to do it better, is a way with limitations. In this way we are getting only up to the point that we understand and the scientific idea of “understanding” as a procedure attached to proof, creates a narrow mind. Do you think that Ueshiba Morihei,! Takeuchi Hisayoshi, Yagyu Munenori, Tsukahara Bokuden, Nobuts! una Kami zumi, Itto Kagehisha or Ieano Chosai etc did care to explain or prove the things that were coming out of them? It was just that “Tengu-Demon or the spirit of some God” that showed them the correct way and that’s it, “end of story... let’s try it and here you are done”.

Today, we are trying to prove scientifically that what we do is correct and we are trying to explain and teach our techniques in a such manner. We wish to prove a truth first and then to try it. This procedure seems to block our way for something more and unfortunately for us, the truth is proven after we have tried something. Our minds stop to the point that science and proofs stop, but reality goes on. It seems that in martial arts, we need released minds and no calculations and I think that this is so in real life too. In other words in mathematics, zero is nothing. On the contrary, in life nothing is still something. That’s why in Aikido we say “! ;Do Nothing”. Or if you want, in maths 1+1=2, but in life 1+1=11.

In self defense, there is this saying: “The best defense is the attack”. This is clearly excellent strategic maths, 1(Defence)=1(Attack) => 1-1=0, and zero means that someone is gonna die. And then humanity defends its self against zero (death) with the religion, preaching about some kind of after life existence. But again the question is what we do in this life. What is zero during this life?

Sometimes the number zero seems to me the most interesting number. It’s symbolizes something which is defined as “something which doesn’t exist”. But then it is something. It reminds me the concept of Mushin (the empty mind) of Japanese budo. Such concepts cannot be proven and they cannot be described. In other words we cannot use numbers and science in order to approach them with our brain. I suspect, that the only way is to perceive them with our body.! And it’ s true that many things in life cannot be count! ed. The only think that we can do is to live them. And numbers themselves are telling us this truth...”we, the numbers, cannot be counted, because we are innumerable and because we never say all the truth”.

words with numbers in them

Earth's Magnetic Field

EARTH’s Magnetic Field

by Ellie Crystal

Earth's magnetic field (and the surface magnetic field) is approximately a magnetic dipole, with one pole near the north pole and the other near the geographic south pole. An imaginary line joining the magnetic poles would be inclined by approximately 11.3° from the planet's axis of rotation. The cause of the field is probably explained by dynamo theory. The magnetic field extends several tens of thousands of kilometres into space as the magnetosphere.

Magnetic poles

Magnetic declination from true north in 2000.The locations of the magnetic poles are not static but wander as much as 15km every year (Dr. David P. Stern, emeritus Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA). The pole position is usually not that indicated on many charts and many magnetic ! pole marking brings a confusion as to what is being located at the given positions.

The Geomagnetic Pole positions are usually not close to the position that commercial cartographers place "Magnetic Poles." "Geomagnetic Dipole Poles", "IGRF Model Dip Poles", and "Magnetic Dip Poles" are variously used to denote the magnetic poles.

The Earth's field is changing in size and position. The two poles wander independently of each other and are not at directly opposite positions on the globe. Currently the south magnetic pole is farther from the geographic south pole than the north magnetic pole is from the north geographic pole.

Field characteristics

The field is similar to that of a bar magnet, but this similarity is superficial. The magnetic field of a bar magnet, or any other type of permanent magnet, is created by the coordinated motions of electrons (negatively charged particles) within iron atoms. The Earth's core, however, is hotter than! 1043 K, the Curie point temperature at which the orientations! of elec tron orbits within iron become randomized. Such randomization tends to cause the substance to lose its magnetic field. Therefore the Earth's magnetic field is caused not by magnetised iron deposits, but mostly by electric currents in the liquid outer core.

Another feature that distinguishes the Earth magnetically from a bar magnet is its magnetosphere. At large distances from the planet, this dominates the surface magnetic field. Electric currents induced in the ionosphere also generate magnetic fields. Such a field is always generated near where the atmosphere is closest to the Sun, causing daily alterations which can deflect surface magnetic fields by as much as one degree.

Magnetic field variations

The strength of the field at the Earth's surface ranges from less than 30 microteslas (0.3 gauss) in an area including most of South America and South Africa to over 60 microteslas (0.6 gauss) around the magnetic poles in northern Canada and south of ! Australia, and in part of Siberia.

Magnetometers detect minute deviations in the Earth's magnetic field caused by iron artifacts, kilns, some types of stone structures, and even ditches and middens in geophysical survey. Using the magnetic instruments adapted from airborne devices developed during World War II to detect submarines, the magnetic variations across the ocean floor have been mapped. The basalt - the iron-rich, volcanic rock making up the ocean floor - contains a strongly magnetic mineral (magnetite) and can locally distort compass readings. The distortion was recognized by Icelandic mariners as early as the late 18th century. More important, because the presence of magnetite gives the basalt measurable magnetic properties, these magnetic variations have provided another means to study the deep ocean floor. When newly formed rock cools, such magnetic materials record the Earth's magnetic field.

In October 2003, the Earth's magnetosphere was hit! by a solar flare causing a brief but intense geomagnetic stor! m, provo king unusual displays of aurorae.

Geomagnetic Reversal - Pole Shifts

A geomagnetic reversal is a change in the orientation of Earth's magnetic field such that the positions of magnetic north and magnetic south become interchanged. These events, which typically last a few hundred to a few thousands years, often involve an extended decline in field strength followed by a rapid recovery after the new orientation has been established.

Over very long periods, geomagnetic reversals seems to have occurred with a frequency of 1 to 5 events per million years; however, this duration is highly variable. During some periods of geologic time (e.g. Cretaceous long normal), the Earth's magnetic field is observed to maintain a single orientation for tens of millions of years. Other events seem to have occurred very rapidly, with! more than one reversal in 50,000 years. The last reversal was the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal approximately 780,000 years ago.

Based upon the study of lava formations in Hawaii, it has been deduced that the Earth's magnetic field reverses at intervals, ranging from tens of thousands to many millions of years, with an average interval of approximately 250,000 years. The last such event, called the Brunhes-Matuyama reversal, occurred some 780,000 years ago.

The mechanism responsible for geomagnetic reversals is not well understood. Some scientists have produced models for the core of the Earth wherein the magnetic field is only quasi-stable and the poles can spontaneously migrate from one orientation to the other over the course of a few hundred to a few thousand years. Other scientists propose that the geodynamo first turns itself off, either spontaneously or through some external action like a comet impact, and ! then restarts itself with the magnetic "North" pole pointing e! ither No rth or South. External events are not likely to be routine causes of magnetic field reversals due to the lack of a correlation between the age of impact craters and the timing of reversals. Regardless of the cause, when magnetic "North" reappears in the opposite direction this is a reversal, whereas turning off and returning in the same direction is called a geomagnetic excursion.

Using a magnetic detector (a variant of a compass), scientists have measured the historical direction of the Earth's magnetic field, by studying the layered iron-rich lava rocks. This is possible as each layer has been found to maintain the original magnetic field at its time of cooling. They have found that the poles have shifted a number of times throughout the past.

Magnetic Field Decay

The earth's magnetic field strength was measured by Carl Friedrich Gauss in 1835 and has been repeatedly measured since then, showing an exponential decay with a half-life of about 1400! years. This could also be stated as a relative decay of about 10% to 15% over the last 150 years.

Magnetic Field Electrogenerators

Some free-energy enthusiasts claim that the Earth's magnetic field could be used to generate power[4], but such claims are regarded as pseudoscience by many skeptics. Many designs for using the Earth's electromagnetic field and atmospheric electricity have been researched, but have failed to gain any widespread acknowledgement in the scientific community. There is also some energy stored in the form of separated electrical charges, which can provide low direct currents at high voltages. However, ordinary electric motors cannot use this energy directly as a prime mover. Benjamin Franklin developed several motors that used the Earth's fields. Oleg D. Jefimenko has researched several machine designs for tapping the Earth's electromagnetic field.

The Earth's magnetic field can be used as the starting field for a self-exci! ted electric generator. Cromwell Varley discovered in 1867 tha! t an ele ctric generator did not need to be started with a conventional prime mover. He used the Earth's magnetic field to induce enough field strength in the stator windings to get a generator running.

Electrodynamic tethers can induce a current by moving through the planet's magnetic field. When the conductive tether is trailed in a planetary or solar magnetosphere (magnetic field), the tether cuts the field, generates a current, and thereby slows the spacecraft into a lower orbit. The tether's end can be left bare, and this is sufficient to make contact with the ionosphere and allow a current to flow through a phantom loop. A cathode tube may also be placed at the end of the tether. The cathode tube will interact with the planet's magnetic field in the vacuum of space. A double-ended cathode tube tether will allow alternating currents.

what is the magnetic field strength at point 1?

CCNA 3 Modul 4 Ver 4

For Complete Answer Download Here


When running NAT, what is the purpose of address overloading?

limit the number of hosts that can connect to the WAN

allow multiple inside addresses to share a single global address

force hosts to wait for an available address

allow an outside host to share inside global addresses

what is the function of a physical topology map?

Get Help or Give Help at Free Student Tutoring, Adult Literacy, Special Needs Programs Starting at TLE

By: Alas Zerbino - TLE Official Blogger

When he was in middle school, my son was stymied by math courses taught in classrooms packed by 25-30 kids and only one teacher. It wasn't until he began to work with a tutor that some of the mysteries of math began to reveal themselves - enough that he could pass the classes.

It's a given in the world of education that the best way to learn something is through one-on-one tutoring. But because of the lack of resources, very few students - from grade-school-age through adult - are fortunate enough to get that kind of tutoring. For every student like my son who was lucky to get tutoring, there are thousands more who need it but don't have access to it.

That's one big reason why the TLE Educational Network is launching a free tutoring program at its virtual education center in Second Life!

The tutoring program is one of three new educational initiatives TLE has designed and is announcing during this week's Grand Opening events (see list at end of this post), and is extending a warm invitation to anyone interested in tutoring or mentoring to join in.

Students Improve through Tutoring

This virtual education tutoring program will use two! methods to provide assistance:

  • One-on-One Tutoring: TLE will link those wanting assistance in a particular area of study with a tutor who can help them. Language arts, sciences, and math are the major focuses, but other subjects may be available, too. Any student and any tutor from anywhere in the world can sign up to give or receive tutoring through the TLE Educational Network in SL, and the student and tutor will work together at times and in ways convenient for them.
  • Study Hall: TLE is setting up blocks of time when tutors are available at TLE in Second Life, and anyone can come to get remedial assistance. Students can bring their homework, assignments, and questions and work with a tutor in a group setting. The mentors will not do the work for the students, but will help them to better understand the subject.

Learning Challenge! s Support

People with dyslexia, autism, and other special needs often face major obstacles in getting educational assistance. The Internet, and particularly a virtual world like TLE inhabits, is a perfect learning and support environment for people dealing with special needs and those who support/help them.

Through its Learning Challenges Support group, TLE will offer special tutoring, mentoring, and sharing/support programs that will help those with learning challenges master their studies - and will also establish a network for sharing ideas, support, and group programs for people who have special needs and for those who are their support system.

Adult Literacy

The third educational service TLE is launching in Second Life will be an in-depth program to help adults who want to lear! n to read English, or to read it better. With both t! he U.S. adult illiteracy rate and illiteracy rates around the world being so high, there's a strong need for more help - especially assistance that is free to the receiver.

"At TLE we know if you are Illiterate you live in a very scary world and TLE would love to help you in any way possible." ~ TLE Board Sponsor of the Adult Literary program

The Adult Literacy Program will start at the bare minimum with skills such as letter recognition, phonics, and work towards reading at a first-grade level. After some time, students will move on to more advanced reading.

Tutors in the Adult Literary program will also help people with job applications, legal for! ms, etc.

How to Participate in These Programs

1) Those who wish to participate as students or tutors in any of these programs are encouraged to join any or all of the new TLE groups for these programs.

There are several ways to join the groups (which are not Second Life groups, so they do not take up an SL group slots):

  • In Second Life, go to the tutoring corner of the TLE Educational Network Student Lounge, where you'll find signs for the three groups, as well as additional information. Click the sign(s) for the groups you wish to join.
  • Or go to the TLE Groups Room, which displays signs for all of its special-interest groups, as well as the general group. Click the sign(s) to join the group(s).
  • Or access the TLE Groups Web page, where you can type in your SL avatar name and select the groups you wish to join.

(You can learn more about how TLE's groups function and how you receive information from them by checking out this post.)

2) Let us know how you'd like to participate - as either a learner or a tutor.

  1. Go to the TLE Student Lounge tutoring corner (shown in above photo).
  2. Click the purple sign to receive a notecard.
  3. Fill in the notecard.
  4. Drop it into the black mailbox in that same corner of the lounge.

3) TLE will follow up with you based on what you've indicated.

Tutoring/mentoring programs such as these are incredibly rewarding for everyone involved - and can make a huge difference in the lives of the individuals, their communities, and the entire world. I look forward to hearing the success stories that I know will come from these virtual education support programs at TLE.

Grand Opening Week at TLE Educational Network January 13-17, 2010

Special Events Each Day:

Wednesday, Jan. 13
12:30 p.m. SLT
Dedication of Memorial Fountain with comments by fountain designer Aelwyn Fields
Comments by Holocaust survivor Fela "Fanny" Starr
Bagpipe music by The PipeDreams Group
Thursd! ay, Jan. 14, two times:
12-2 p.m. AND 6-8 p.m. SLT
JOB FAIR at TLE Publishing House Building
Information about teaching & other positions available at TLE
Friday, Jan. 15:
12 noon to 2 p.m. SLT
2-4 p.m. SLT
STUDENTS' DAY at TLE Creative Arts Building
Games Tournament
'50s Sock Hop Dance with dance music provided by DJ Peris Ashton
Saturday, Jan. 15
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SLT
Welcome by Eagle Himmel, TLE teacher
Dancing for fun & fundraising
Live music by Idella Quandry (Alicia Morgan), keyboard player/singer/songwriter
Sunday, Jan. 17
11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. SLT
GALA GRAND OPENING BALL at TLE Publishing House Building
Introduction of Adult Literacy and Special Challenges Groups
Ballroom dancing
Music provided by O! nlyHalfCrazy Gumbo

tutor help

DIY Growth Stick ( Chart)

This week on 24/7 MOMS LIVE I shared with you about our family Growth stick/chart that we have been using to chart our growing kids for the past 20 years. Because YOU Moms asked us how to make your own, I went out searching for the how to DIY ( Do It Yourself) and found a great article over at Chica and Jo www.chicaandjo.com and they gave us permission to share ! it with our 24/7 MOMS.

How To Make Your Own Hand Painted Growth Chart

By : Chica

When my friend’s little girl became a toddler and started growing like a weed, we knew it was time to track her growth, and we brainstormed to figure out how best to do it. Most of us have the fond memory of marking our height on a door frame in the house where we grew up, and it’s quite nostalgic to look back at it over the years (I have such a chart in my garage from the family who lived here before and I refuse to paint over it). But these days people don’t stay in one house their whole lives and you can’t really take a door frame with you, so we need a portable — y! et sturdy — solution. I solved my friend’s problem! by surp rising her with a hand-painted wooden growth chart that she could mount on the wall.

growth chartSure, you can just buy a growth chart. They sell them everywhere. My problem with the ones that I see in stores are that they are either too short, too flimsy, or just plain ugly! In addition, it’s nice to have them personalized with the child’s name. Plus I prefer homemade over store-bought crafts almost all of the time, so I just had to make this for that sweet little girl.

I started with a trip to the local home improvement store where I picked up a simple piece of wood that was 6 feet long, 6 inches wide, and 1 inch thick. Look in the “nice” wood section (not the construction lumber) and you can easily find a nice piece of pine for just a few dollars.

I took the wood home and decided how I would mark it. I knew I didn’t want my friend to have to put the board all the way on the floor b! ecause the baseboard would make that hard to do. I decided the! board s hould be mounted one foot above the floor. That means that my first mark at the bottom of the board would be at 1 foot, and I had enough room to take it all the way to a 6 foot mark at the top. I decided I wanted an inch or two of blank space above the 6 and below the 1, so that means my entire board needed to be 5 feet, 4 inches long. I took it to the garage and made a quick cut and I was all set. (I certainly could have kept the entire 6 feet of length, but I decided to trim it a bit.)

growth chartAfter a quick light sanding, I painted the entire board white on both sides, using some leftover trim paint I had. I then marked all my measurements with a ruler and a pencil. I put the “1″ mark 2 ! inches from the bottom and marked every inch and foot from there on up to the top, where I finished with the “6″. I then painted over the pencil lines with acrylic paint.

Next was the fun part — painting the design! I started with large block letters that spelled out Emily’s name which I outlined in blue and then filled in with pink. I then decorated the top and bottom with lots of tiny flowers and leaves. For simple flowers, just make 5 round petals and put a dot in the middle. For the leaves, just a quick swish with a paintbrush will do it.

The finished growth chart now hangs in Emily’s r! oom and has lots of markings on it, measuring what a big girl ! she̵ 7;s turning out to be… she’s up to 38 inches so far!

Toolbox ( what you need)

  • long piece of smooth wood (6' x 6" x 1")
  • wall / trim paint
  • acrylic paint
  • brushes

times table chart up to 100